Shadow Work/Journal Prompts to Look Inwards and Check in With Yourself
When’s the last time you sat down and asked yourself, “How are you doing?” Bonus points if you answered honestly when you did. It can be easy to get stuck in the hamster wheel of work 24/7 without taking a second to make sure you’re tending to your needs and making sure you're truly emotionally set up for success and energetic sustainability. Shadow work, defined by the Berkeley Institute of Well-Being as, “acknowledging and accepting the parts of ourselves we don't want to admit exist,” can be a useful tool to help uncover our “shadow,” or our more hidden, suppressed, or dismissed feelings, thoughts, and opinions that may contribute to the insecurities or negative thoughts that weigh us down today. When we bring our shadow into the light, we allow ourselves the opportunity to heal some subconscious motives that may lead to holding us back from our fullest potential. When we examine the shadow self, we may uncover the answers to the meaning behind certain unwanted patterns in our relationships, why we may unconsciously sabotage or why we may have innate feelings of unworthiness of our success- past, present, and future.
Before we get into the journal prompts designed to uncover your shadow, allow me to provide you with some tips for a successful shadow work journaling session. Let me start by saying that this type of journaling is not easy. If you find yourself in a heightened emotional state at any time, know that it is ok (and encouraged) to take a step back, put your pen down and breathe. Looking inward and questioning why we think and operate the way we do often brings up a lot of subconscious programming from our childhood, as well as some negative experiences that may still be triggering or impacting our behavior today. I want to commend your bravery for wanting to uncover the parts of ourselves that might need a little love and healing. Post exploring your shadow you’ll have a deeper understanding of yourself and hopefully a newfound sense of compassion for who you are. Your shadows just sometimes need to feel seen, validated, and loved. I invite you now to embark on this journey with me to aid in fully embracing who you are. I’m rooting for you every step of the way!
Journal Prompts to Uncover Your Shadow:
What do I believe is unachievable for myself and why?
What does it feel like to be seen?
How do I make myself small?
What are some values you hold dear and why?
When do I feel the most judgment of myself and/or others?
Choose one negative thought you repeatedly experience. What’s the origin of this thought ? Is it rooted in logic? Who’s voice do you hear when you think of it?
What ways are you proud of yourself? Give yourself praise, you deserve it.
While we’re on the topic of praise: how do you feel when you’re complimented? Are you able to accept the compliment or do you brush it off?
What’s your biggest pet peeve and why?
Do I believe I am worthy of what I desire? Why or why not?
What’s a weight/burden you’ve been carrying around recently? What can you do to release it?
These prompts are designed to take a peek behind the curtain and check in with your subconscious mind. Oftentimes our subconscious drives our current thoughts and behaviors, especially the patterns we might feel looped into. Tending to the subconscious or shadow self, often means addressing what we default to suppressing. It’s important to check in with your subconscious on a regular basis to release some negative or judgmental thoughts that might be weighing us down. It may be daunting to address these strong thoughts and emotions, but trust me, you'll find yourself feeling so much lighter. Wishing you nothing but sweetness for your shadow!
“Shadow Work: Definition, Examples, & Prompts.” The Berkeley Well-Being Institute, 2013, Accessed 14 Sept. 2023.