Tips And Tricks for The Busiest Of Days
Written by Lila Mabanta
I think it’s a safe assumption to say that most of us have very busy lives, and basic self-care and upkeep may sometimes get overlooked. Our overflow of calendar events can make even the prettiest of color-coded calendars (I’m talking about you, Google Calendar) look treacherous. Here are some of my hacks for dealing with busy days and not going completely crazy.
Deadline Document
Whether you’re a student, professional, or anything else, deadlines are inevitable. As a student, the only way I stay on top of all my assignment's due dates is through a document I created on my iPad. This isn’t anything fancy– you could do the same on a piece of paper, your phone, your laptop, or even a really big whiteboard. In my freshmen year of college, I created a table that has about 10 rows, with a column each for dates, description of the assignment, class, and completion status. Then, imported to GoodNotes, I make 15 more pages of it (duplicates), to have a page for every week of the semester. Then, at the beginning of the semester, I write down all my known deadlines so each week I can see a list in chronological order of things I need to do. Seeing it in a very simple, not too complicated way works the best in my eyes, and makes the most sense to me. Every year since, I imported that document once again, and have been living by it throughout college.
Agenda Book
At first, when I had my iPad and laptop set for school, I assumed I wouldn’t need an agenda book anymore. However, I was very wrong! Although I have my calendar and deadlines document, I wanted something that went even further to the day. That’s how my agenda book comes in handy– every day of the week has notes on what specific tasks I’m going to do, and in what priority. Now, these books are totally up to preference. I’m very picky about the layouts. For me, the most essential part is the pages that list the days of the week and provide multiple spacious lines underneath each. I don’t focus as much on the calendar pages or any of the extra stuff. I try to organize my daily tasks in my book every Sunday, working hand-in-hand with my digital deadlines document and calendar. This step simplifies my busyness to a much more palpable layer.
Dr. Jart’s Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment SPF30
For years I’ve seen this product, but never knew if it was worth the money. However, this summer I found out that one of my best friends uses it, and I asked for a whole review that she certainly delivered. After trying a bit of hers, I bought myself a jar, and I’ve been happy with it. It’s a green-to-beige creme that neutralizes redness. As someone who would pick concealer as their makeup they could never live without, this acts (in my case) as a step between no makeup and concealer. For those early mornings when I don’t have the time to do my makeup as I would like (unfortunately we have an 8am class on Fridays here), I apply this product instead on my acne and redness. It’s quick and super simple, I don’t feel the need to set it or anything. It gives a great natural and glowy finish, and gives me some sleep time!
Now, this might seem quite stupid, but is often overlooked. When I picture a lunchbox, I think of elementary school ones with my favorite Disney Channel stars on them. Here, I’m just talking about a simple compact lunch bag that can fit like a book into your bag. Although prepping a lunch might take some time (I often do very quick ones like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches), it often saves more time, and money, than going to a spot to pick up lunch where you might need to do with lines and other wait times. Whether it’s my lunch break at work or time in between classes, it also saves time as I can just immediately find a place to sit and begin eating, rather than first getting to the cafe. I know going out to eat is the more desirable option, but for most, it’s not sustainable daily!
The sign of an ultimate busy day is often a messy bun. However, conceptually it appears to be the quickest hairstyle, not worrying about having to wash or deal with greasy hair, in reality, it often takes more time and effort than expected. For me, I started to get nitpicky and frustrated with all my frizz and loose pieces. I finally bought the hair wax stick that everyone and their mothers have been talking about online, the same one that Alix Earle uses, and I must say I should’ve gotten it a lot sooner. It instantly soothes out my hair, patting down all the frizz and flyaways. It makes a “slicked back bun” actually attainable for my hair and takes a lot less time than constantly adjusting it.
When I get too busy, I usually get run down and catch a cold. I’m one of those people who feel like it’s the end of the world when I can’t breathe through my nose, so I try to prevent it as much as I can. Because of this, I take immune support pills every morning (or at least try to). I have noticed a difference where I won’t get sick in cases that I usually would’ve, surrounded by the inevitable seasonal coughs of my peers.
For my readers out there that don’t have easy access to their local library, or the library is too slow, the Libby app is the best. You log in with your normal existing library card, and you gain access to thousands of digital books and audiobooks that you can rent onto your device (I prefer this on my iPad) just like any other library. Although some books have significant wait times as well, sometimes the easiest way to rent a new book is by doing it fully at home and just picking up my iPad.
Both going to the nail salon or painting your nails, can take up a lot of time and money (I try to get better at painting my nails but almost every time it becomes the most frustrating part of my day). In times when you want your nails done but don’t want to deal with either, press-on nails are the way to go (especially if you’re in the mood for long nails when yours are short). My favorite is from the brand Chillhouse, which has a flagship store in Manhattan as well. In my experience trials and tribulations of press-on nails, Chillhouse’s has the best texture, durability, longevity, fit, and style in my option. Although it might take a little time to prep your nails and delegate which press-ons fit which nails, it can be a much quicker, cheaper, and simpler process.
Lastly, this blender has been the easiest I’ve ever used. Beyond the adorable colors you can choose from, BlendJet is very efficient as it’s hands-free after you press the button, blends quietly for a certain amount of seconds before stopping, is also usable as the drinking cup, and is extremely easy to clean– you pour some soap and water into it after using, blend, and it cleans itself. With these, making smoothies, sauces, or any other blended good becomes a lot more manageable for multitasking, and you won’t feel as guilty for using it in the early morning or late night.
With these recommended hacks, I’m able to save some time during even my busiest of days. Hopefully, these will help you too, and shave off some daily stress! At Berry, we’re always looking out for you and your well-being!
Thanks for reading,