How You Can Get Lucky Girl Syndrome, Too
Written by Michelle Manis
I challenge you to try this exercise and see how your life changes: When you wake up, look in the mirror and think to yourself, “I’m so excited to be surprised today,” and see how you welcome in delight and abundance. “Lucky Girl Syndrome”–the belief that you’re lucky and that good things will always find their way to you–is not, and shouldn’t be, being greedy, self-centered, and believing that you’re worth more than others. What it is is a belief that you’re deserving of good things in your life, and setting the intention to find and welcome in more good around you. Is this magic? No, it’s manifestation… and believe it or not, a bit of psychology. Read along to find out why!
I’ll be analyzing Lucky Girl Syndrome from the spiritual/manifestation and psychological lenses to reveal what happens to our brains when we rewire to focus on the good, and believe that within ourselves. Have you heard of the reticular activating system (RAS) before? In a nutshell, it’s a set of neurons located in the brainstem–the oldest part of the brain. It directly relates to our senses and can help us spot out what we’re consciously aware of in our environment. If you’ve ever played “I-spy,” you’re exercising your RAS. For instance if you say, “I spy with my little eye something green,” your opponent’s RAS will light up and help point out everything green in the room. It can get even more specific and shaped by our beliefs. If you believe that repeating numbers or angel numbers hold a positive message for guidance and you make a mental note when you see one, your subconscious will automatically spot out to your awareness that there’s a repeating number in your field of vision. If you focus on something, you will see it around you. These are the mechanics behind why affirmations and manifestations really work!
Ultimately, if you want to adapt a “lucky girl” mindset, all it is is rewiring your RAS to focus on the positive, or what you want to see more of in your life. The spiritual component of this is, if you do this, you will open yourself to receiving the good and welcome more into your life. This is due to being in alignment with the frequency of your desire, and is a result of shifting your mindset toward believing that you’re worthy of all of your hopes and dreams. When I practiced the “Lucky Girl Syndrome” and the affirmations that usually accompany it, I found that I saw more of the good around me, and in turn started adopting a more positive mindset–one where I was grateful for all the good. One time, I remember waking up to my favorite affirmation video (linked below) and said that I was excited to receive a surprise that day. I started my day in a good mood and people could sense that around me. I received a free breakfast burrito that day! Surprises can be as small as a breakfast burrito or as big as getting into a leadership program. The most important thing is that you set yourself up to be open to receiving the good. This means replacing negative self-talk like, “I’m not worthy of that opportunity, or breakfast burrito” with “I always receive abundance in my life, what’s meant for me will find me, and I’m worthy of all the good” (sound similar to “I don’t chase, I attract”?). The day before I got into a leadership program that paid for my housing abroad, I wrote in my journal in present tense, “I’m so grateful that I got the RA position, and I’m so excited to plan cool events and inspire my residents.” A great manifestation technique is writing what you want in the present tense to help yourself feel worthy and excited for the new opportunity, and welcome it in without resistance or negativity. Try this and watch what you can accomplish!
Lucky Girl Links:
I hope this helps convince you that you’re worthy and trust that you are in alignment with your dreams. Remember it takes time to shift your RAS to a more positive default, so make caring for your RAS and focusing on the positive a daily practice. Let all the luck in and have a happy St. Patrick’s Day!
As well, sign up for our newsletter, to bask in even more luckiness, here:
Be Well,
“RAS (Reticular Activating System).”, 2024, Accessed 13 Mar. 2024.